Fuel Your Fitness: What to Eat (and Avoid) Before a Workout


Fitness: Making exercise a part of your daily routine is essential for good physical health.

People who want to lose weight often cut back on their diet along with exercise, but this is not necessary, just avoiding junk food and sugar can give you satisfactory results. It is wise not to compromise.

It is essential to fuel the body especially before going to the gym or doing any physical exercise for fitness, it is even more important to choose the right or suitable diet, for example from spin classes. Those who first thought of vegetable or fruit juice as a healthy option should think again, as it can affect digestion.

Some snacks can be consumed before going to the gym or before a fitness routine.

Before the walk
If it has been 3 to 4 hours after a full meal and the stomach is still full, then there is no need to eat or drink anything, just start walking, but if you are used to walking early in the morning or at night. If you feel hungry after eating, you can have a pear, apple, half a banana or a small glass of smoothie, yogurt or almond milk with fruit before going for a walk.

Before running
Running requires a lot of strength and stamina, so it is important to have a healthy diet before running, dairy products or sour foods should be avoided in case of acidity. Snacks should be eaten 1 hour before, toast with peanut butter, a banana or a few almonds, a small bowl of oatmeal, half a piece of fruit or a chocolate bar.

Before muscle training
It is important to strengthen the body prior to strength-based physical exercise to facilitate muscle contraction and relaxation, which increases strength, lean muscle mass, and endurance, so it is imperative that the workout First, fuel the body, which can be done with a protein shake, an apple, a toast with peanut butter, high-protein oatmeal, or a blueberry protein smoothie.

An apple a day, really keep the doctor away?

Before yoga
Avoid eating too much before yoga as it involves twisting asanas and headstands, so eat fiber-rich fruits such as bananas, nuts, a bowl of berries, oatmeal or other Cooked pulses can be used.

Before swimming
Before swimming should avoid foods that can upset digestion, eat a bowl of porridge made with low-fat milk, a toast with juice, a banana or chocolate bar and a handful of raisins.

Before cycling and spinning
If the fitness routine includes cycling and spinning, healthy foods and snacks should be consumed, but these snacks should be eaten 1 hour before these activities.

In this regard, you can eat dry fruits and nuts mixed with milk, porridge, a banana, an egg, a handful of dried fruits, grilled salmon fish or steamed broccoli.

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