Want to use WhatsApp on two smartphones with the same number? It’s now possible with WhatsApp’s companion mode. Introduced in 2023, this feature allows users to link up to four additional devices, including smartphones, to their primary account. Follow this simple guide to set it up.
What Is WhatsApp Companion Mode?
Companion mode lets you connect additional devices to your primary WhatsApp account. This includes linking multiple smartphones. Now, you can stay connected without needing separate accounts for each device.
Steps to Use WhatsApp on Two Smartphones
1. Prepare Your Primary Smartphone
- Open WhatsApp on your main phone.
- Tap the three dots in the top-right corner.
- Select Linked Devices from the menu.
- Tap Link a Device to activate the QR code scanner.
2. Set Up Your Secondary Smartphone
- Install and open WhatsApp on your second phone.
- Skip the phone number setup by tapping the three dots in the top-right corner.
- Choose Link as a Companion Device from the menu.
3. Link the Devices
- A QR code will appear on your second phone’s screen.
- Use the QR scanner on your primary phone to scan the code.
- Once scanned, your chats will sync to the secondary phone.
Benefits of Using WhatsApp on Two Smartphones
- Seamless access to your chats and media across devices.
- No need to switch between accounts.
- Stay connected on both phones effortlessly.
Using WhatsApp on two smartphones with the same number is now quick and easy. With companion mode, you can sync your account across devices and stay connected without hassle. Try it today and enjoy seamless connectivity!